
Friday, 7 December 2012

How to help Birds

What to do if a bird flies into a glass window, door or a wall

1-Pick the bird up carefully and place it in a shoe box full of cotton.
2-Close the lid of the shoe box and drill holes into the lid in order for air to pass in and out of the box easily.
3-Leave the bird alone and let it rest.
4-Once the bird starts moving inside the box release it back into the wild!

What to do if you find a bird with a broken leg

1-Place a matchstick against the bird´s broken leg and hold it with two pieces of soft tape.
2-Place the bird in a cotton nest inside a cage. 
3-Leave the bird and let it rest.
4-Only visit it to give it water and food.
5-Ater about two months the leg should have healed. Take the matchstick  off the bird´s leg carefully and release it into the wild.

Broken Wings

Not much can be done for a bird with a broken wing, the best thing to do is let nature take its course.

Ill Bird

The same, not much can be done. The best thing to do is let nature take its course.

What to do if you find a Bird soaked in Oil

It could be the case that you find a bird soaked in oil floating in the sea or washed up on the beach. If it is still alive and it´s not too big, there´s a chance that you can you save it.

1-Put the bird in a bath
2-Close its beak strongly with celotape. This is in order for the bird not to swallow chemical products.
3-Wash the bird with any sort of degreasing product used for dishwashers.
4-Rinse it with  cold water.
5-Repeat the washing of the bird if necessary.
6-Remove the celotape from its beak.
7-Feed the bird some fresh sardines and release it back into the wild. 
8-In case of an oil spill and there are lots of affected animals ( which there will be) call a bird protection asociation or any sort of organisation aimed to help animals.

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